Join the Community

The BattleTabs community is the heart of the Battle-Verse and always online. Join thousands of players around the world to learn the ropes, discuss strategy, make friends, join competitions or just chill out.

Compete in Tournaments

Whether you’re looking for a head-to-head clash of strategic skill or a friendly casual tourney, Battletabs offers easy access tournaments for all players and fun prizes.

Host Tournaments

BattleBot empowers you to create, customize and host tournaments the way that you want. Whether it’s for friends, the community or your own Discord audience, BattleBot does all the heavy lifting. Add it for free to your server and start hosting today.

Collect Rewards

In the our community, your passion and participation don’t go unnoticed. Our Fandom Rewards Quests offer quick ways to jump-start your game experience or score BattleTabs merch.