• We are hard at work on the mobile version of BattleTabs! Sign up for early access on this page, and join our Discord server and YouTube Channel to follow the development.

  • BattleTabs is best played in your browser New Tabs, but if you want to disable the game from replacing the default Google search bar on new tab pages, you can turn it off from the Options page.

    Step 1: Click on the Options button on the upper left hand corner of the screen

    Step 2: Check the option “Don’t replace the New Tab page

    You will still be able to play the game by clicking on the browser button.

    (Here’s a How to Video)

  • If you want to set your new tab pages to use other extensions, follow these steps:

    1. Turn off the new tab option in options: (here’s how)

    2. Disable the new tab extension you want to use in Chrome, then Enable it again (or you can uninstall it and then install it again). See instructions here on how you can disable/enable an extension - follow the steps but do it with the new tab extension you want to use (not Battle Tabs)

    Basically, the last new tab extension you install should become the active one. We are trying to see if we can make this process easier.

  • If you want to log out on battletabs.io, follow these steps:

    • Deleting the cookies on battletabs.io

    • Go to this page (put this in the URL bar and hit enter)

      • chrome://settings/siteData?searchSubpage=battletabs.io&search=cookie

    • Click on the trash button

  • Updates are automatically pushed to everyone by the Chrome Web Store.

    However, not everyone will get it at the same time, and it could take hours before your version is updated to the latest.

    Here’s how you can manually force it to update if you want to check out some of the new features or have new bug fixes in your game sooner :)

    Step 1: Right click on the Battle Tabs browser button, and click on Manage Extensions

    Step 2: Click on the Developer mode toggle to enable more options

    Step 3: Click on Update